We know your solution
We offer support for your entire project and not only for the installed products.
At our support hotline, our DICOS experts and trained specialists are at your side with advice and support. We offer this service based on individual contracts: from a standard maintenance contract to individual service contracts. Of course, our specialists are also available on site if required.
How to reach our support
Our support is available to you Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Detailed contact information for our support can be found below. If you have a 7 × 24 support contract with DICOS, you will receive additional contact information of our stand-by duty.
Support-Hotline: +49 6151 82787-45
Our support team works with an automatic ticket system. If you are already a customer and need product-specific support, please write an email to the address related to the product. Your request will then be automatically added to our ticket system. We will answer your request as soon as possible.
Please contact our support via the following mail addresses:
DICOS TrapRouter:
DICOS log|essential:
Broadcom DX NetOps:
Broadcom DX Infrastructure Manager:
Broadcom Automic:
Ansible & AWX:
API Management:
IBM CP4AIOps, Instana, Turbonomic, Apptio:
IBM Netcool Operations Insight:
File transfer via our support server:
If you would like to send us larger files and / or if transmission by email attached to the ticket is not secure enough, you may send us files via our support server.
This is also available for special downloads, product updates, etc. For more information please get in touch with DICOS support.
You can reach our support server here.
The support server is only available after registration. You can request your account here.
Information on usage can be fond in the Customer Guide.
DICOS Web-conference and Online Support:
If you need support and allow us to virtually “look over your shoulder” or to even operate your system remotely under your control, then “DICOS Web Conference” is just the right thing for you. We generally use Microsoft Teams for these services.
You will receive an invitation or a link via email from your DICOS contact, which you can use to dial into the web conference. If Microsoft Teams is not available to you, you can download a browser plug-in at the beginning of the conference for participation.